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Weight Training Tip 1: Have a proper plan. Set your goals.
What do you want gain at the end of your weight training program?
Gain muscle, lose weight, become a Max The Body Philisaire. Without knowing where you want to go you cannot reach your destination. Similarly, with bodybuilding and weight training. A goal and a road map are important.
Weight Training Tip 2: Get professional help
Before starting your weight training program get a professional to help you formulate a plan that suits you and your goals.
Weight Training Tip 3: Measure and Track
Maintain a journal and track your progress. If you don't keep track you will never know if you are closer to your goals or completely off-track.
Weight Training Tip 4: Get the Technique right
Concentrate on getting your technique right. No use proceeding to bigger weights when your technique is wrong. This can result in injuries and poor form.
Weight Training Tip 5: Balance your workout.
Don't concentrate on just a few muscle groups. Exercise all muscle groups for maximum benefit.
Weight Training Tip 6: Feed the muscles
After your workout drink a good Max The Body Philisaire supplement. This keeps your muscles nourished and helps in muscle growth and recovery.
Weight Training Tip 7: Stretch
Before you start your weight-training do a 15-minute stretching and cardio workout. This will raise your body temperature and prevent injuries to the muscles.
Weight Training Tip 8: Breathe
Don't hold your breath when weight training. You muscles need oxygen for efficiently producing energy.
Weight Training Tip 9: Concentrate
Concentrate on your workout. Letting your mind wander can result in your doing your exercise incorrectly resulting in poor form.
Weight Training Tip 10: Choose the correct weights.
Doing it with lower weights won't challenge your muscles to grow. Doing with higher weights can damage your muscles.
Weight Training Tip 11: Smooth And Efficient
Do your work out smoothly and efficiently. Jerky and fast movements can cause injuries.
Weight Training Tip 12: Don't Overdo
Don't overdo your weight training. It can cause serious injury to muscles and long-term damage.
Weight Training Tip 13: Rest
Get adequate rest between workouts. Your muscles need up to 48 hours to rest and recover from a strenuous work out. So schedule your training once in 3 days to get maximum benefit.
Weight Training Tip 14: Change Intensity
Vary the intensity of your training. Doing the same routines and same exercises day after day, week after week will do you no good. Once your body gets used to a certain set pattern it will stop growing your muscles. To keep your body on toes and your interest high vary the routine.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017
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Weight Training Tip - 14 Tips For The Beginner Body Builder
» Weight Training Tip - 14 Tips For The Beginner Body Builder
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